Bodegas Vinotage
In the highlands of Castilla La Mancha, Bodegas Haro is one of the top 10 best wineries in Spain. The passion of the Haro family is to make pure wines respecting the environment, made naturally. Grapes are produced in our vineyards, and no sulphites and sugars are added.
The vineyards are located in the highlands of Castilla, central Spain at an average altitude of 900 meters above sea level. Nature has a significant influence on the development and growth of the characteristic grapes. Because there is little rainfall, hardly any vineyard pests or diseases can survive, allowing the grapes to grow ecologically and disease-free. Furthermore, winters are extremely cold and summers hot, which ensures a balanced ripening process in the grapes.
Our Vinotage wines are pure, young, fruity and elegant, accessible for everyone. Discover our Vinotage wines below.